UK Sea Fishing Baits - AA Baits & Feeds -Coming Soon


It's easy to forget that the only thing fish care about is the bait when so much emphasis is placed on rods, reels, lines, and terminal equipment. Many anglers will happily spend hundreds of pounds on equipment only to waste their time fishing with crappy bait that was purchased as a last-minute purchase. Other anglers may purchase high-quality fishing bait but fail to maximise its effectiveness due to inadequate bait presentation, preparation, or storage and this article will give you a proper overview of the baits used by sea anglers in the United Kingdom and explains how to get the most out of the broad variety of baits available today.

How to choose bait?

Anglers in the United Kingdom may get a wide variety of baits from fishing tackle stores, fishmongers, supermarkets, and anglers who gather bait themselves. Anglers may adapt their bait selection to the kind of fish they are targeting and the conditions they are fishing in thanks to the variety of baits available. Anglers can also use a variety of baits, allowing them to switch up their bait throughout a fishing session if their chosen bait isn't producing. The most widely used baits are divided into the following major categories:

  • Worm bait: For a variety of reasons, Rag Worm and Lug Worm are one of the most popular forms of fishing bait. For starters, they're common across the British Isles, which means fish eat them on a regular basis, making them an efficient bait.
  • Fish baits: Fishing baits are one of the most popular and effective types of bait. Mackerel and Sand eel is the most commonly used bait because of their high oil content, which attracts fish, and its relatively solid meat, which holds up well to cating.
  • Squid as baits: Squid has long been a popular bait for deep-sea fishing. The solid white flesh of squid, which is easily accessible in frozen form from fishing tackle shops and fresh from fishmongers and supermarkets, holds up well to casting.
  • Peeler/shore crab: Peeler crab is well-known as one of the most effective sea angling baits. Peeler crab baits can be used to catch the most sought-after fish in British waters, such as bass, huge cod, smoothhound, and big rays, as well as smaller species like coalfish, flounder, eels, and plaice when other baits fail.


If you are looking for a great fishing experience on lakes, ponds and inherently along all waters in the UK, then contact AA Baits and Feeds today for more details!


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